The Taylors Mill has some incredible tenants! Below, you’ll find listings of many of our tenants. Some are open to the public and some simply use the Mill as their workshop, studio, or office. Below you’ll find what places you can visit during store hours, by appointment, or check out online.
Open to the Public
Check out their websites for hours and more info.
13 Stripes Brewery
The Mad Smash
The Farehouse
Model Trains Station
Pinky’s Revenge Arcade and Game Lounge
By Appointment
Visit their websites to schedule an appointment.
Angie Bryant Art
Equine & Design, LLC
Inspire Studio
Let’s Create Photography
Sofia Invitations
Christopher Rico Studios
Handful & Hustle
Southern Bleachery
Crate Eight
The Indigo Tribe
Leslie Hart Studios Home of Collage Club Gvl
Old Skool Outfitter
White Wine & Butter Catering
Check Them Out Online
Pinpoint Creative Studio
Carolina Recycling Company
EP+Co @ Taylors Mill
Maritime Supply Co.
Furr & Friend
Modern Icon
How Do I Get There?
Follow directions to Taylors Mill from your preferred navigation app to 250 Mill St, Taylors, SC 29687. The main parking area is located in Dock 3 (see map below) or in the gravel lot across the street from Dock 3.
Can I take photos at the Taylors Mill?
If you are a professional photographer or are being compensated for photos taken, visit the Photography page for our process. No indoor photography requests are being taken at this time.
Can I rent a space here?
Check out our availabilities here.
What are your hours?
Hours vary by business. Check out their website to see operational hours.
Is there an event space here?
Check out Southern Bleachery’s website.
Tenant List*
Are you a tenant that wants to be listed? Let us know here.
*Some tenants choose not to be listed online; this is not a comprehensive listing of all tenants at the Taylors Mill.